About me

Caboclo (1984, Timóteo, Minas Gerais, Brazil) is a singer, composer and multi-instrumentalist. His first contact with music was through capoeira and, since then, he has been drinking from the most diverse sources of Brazilian popular culture. From Forró to samba, from Toré to Perré, from Congado to Maracatu, from Cavalo Marinho to Boi Bumbá. A life dedicated to art and the permanent search to recognize himself in his roots.

Caboclo brings Brazilianness with his identity, which, due to his mixed race, becomes a unique accent in the midst of universal music, even if influenced by other aspects and languages, such as blues, rock and reggae. In a concept marked by mixture, the artist proposes a hybrid sound, uniting tradition and invention, which reveals his originality, driven by his instigating and captivating poetry in a symbiosis of sounds and colors.

Throughout his more than 20 years of career, he has shared the stage with Sérgio Pererê, Mauricio Tizumba among other relevant names from Brazilian music. He was a frontman of the following bands: Candeeiro Encantado, Canjerê Ayê and Calango Trio on tours throughout Brazil and Europe. Caboclo is one of the voices of the new singer-songwriter scene in Minas Gerais.

At the age of 13 he was already traveling through several cities in the interior of Minas Gerais singing and playing forró. He released his first original album in February 2020, OKÊ, a Yoruba word that means mountain. The album, produced by Caboclo and co-produced by Sérgio Pererê, has 17 songs that recognize themselves in the diversity of Brazilian popular culture and in the fusion of ancestries. Tambours, atabaques and strings in search of an aesthetic balance without borders between past, present and future.

In 2004 he was awarded best performer at FENFIT, Festival Nacional de Forró de Itaúnas, Espírito Santo, Brazil, one of the most traditional Music Festivals in the country and now he has just released his second album, called “Original” and which has his entire repertoire dedicated to Forró.